Minister Bahlil Lahadalia Wants The 2024 Presidential Election To Be Postponed, PKB: He Never Reads The Constitution

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the House of Representatives, Luqman Hakim responded to the statement of the Minister of Investment/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Bahlil Lahadalia, who said businessmen hoped that the 2024 presidential election would be postponed due to economic considerations due to the pandemic.

Luqman assessed that Bahlil Lahadalia's statement showed the person concerned did not understand the constitution of this country.

"The election practice during the old order and new order that Bahlil uses as an example that can be done today, further shows that he has never read the constitution, namely the 1945 Constitution", said Luqman at the House of Representatives building, Tuesday, January 11.

According to Luqman, it is clearly regulated in Article 7 of the 1945 Constitution regarding the president and vice president holding positions for five years and can be re-elected to the same position. Article 6A of the 1945 Constitution confirms that the president and vice president are elected by the people in pairs through general elections.

"Article 22E of the 1945 Constitution emphasizes that general elections must be held every five years. Elections are held to elect the House of Representatives, Regional Representative Council, President/Vice President and Regional House of Representatives", said Luqman.

In addition, the Deputy Secretary-General of the PKB Executive Board emphasized that in the constitution no norm allows the president/vice president to be extended his term of office. While using economic reasons to delay the change of president, said Luqman, it is very unreasonable and far-fetched.

"The holding of elections to elect the president/vice president can actually be a trigger for the movement and growth of the national economy. Elections in Indonesia have never been a factor causing the economic crisis. That's clear!", he said.

Chairman of the Youth Movement (GP) Ansor reminded that efforts to delay the holding of the 2024 general election so that there would be no change of president/vice president are unconstitutional, anti-democratic, and against the sovereignty of the people.

"Considering that Bahlil is a member of President Jokowi's Cabinet, I ask the President to reprimand him", said Luqman.

"This warning is important to be given by the President so that there is no crisis of confidence that could interfere with the effectiveness of President Jokowi's leadership", he said.

Previously, Bahlil said that the average business actor hoped that the 2024 presidential election would be postponed. The consideration is related to the national economic recovery due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"If we check in the business world, on average they really think how the democratic process is, in the context of the transition of leadership, if there is room for consideration for the process to be pushed back, that is much better", said Bahlil in the release of the Political Indicator survey. Indonesia, Sunday, January 9th.

"Why, because they have just finished being battered with health issues. This is a new business world, just about to go up, suddenly wanting to be overwritten with political issues. So that's the result of my discussion with them", he continued.