File An Objection To The Money Laundering Offense Charges, KPK Says Yudi Widiana Doesn't Understand The Provisions Of The Law

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said that the former Chairperson of Commission V of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Yudi Widiana Adia, who was a defendant in the Money Laundering Crime (TPPU) did not understand the provisions of the KPK Law Number 19 of 2019.

This was conveyed in response to Yudi's objections when he read out his exceptions or objections today or Wednesday, January 5th.

In the objection, he said that the KPK was not authorized to investigate or prosecute money laundering offenses and that the Anti-Corruption Law was not included in the indictment.

"We are of the opinion that the defendant does not understand the provisions of the KPK Law, the Anti-Corruption Law and the Money Laundering Law in full and complete," said Acting Spokesperson for the KPK for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, to reporters, Wednesday, January 5.

Furthermore, the KPK will immediately prepare a response to answer the exception made by Yudi Widiana. Moreover, Ali said that the investigation process and the preparation of the indictment carried out by the public prosecutor (JPU) were appropriate.

"We believe that the entire investigation process as well as the preparation of the indictment by the KPK Prosecutor's Team has been prepared in accordance with the applicable criminal procedure law," he said.

Furthermore, the anti-corruption commission also believes that Yudi's objection as a defendant will be rejected by the judge.

"We are optimistic that the defendant's objection will be rejected by the panel of judges because all of them have entered the main case that needs further proof," said Ali.

Previously, the KPK named Yudi Widiana as a money laundering suspect in February 2018. he is alleged to have received around Rp20 billion while serving as Deputy Chairman of Commission V of the DPR from the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) projects in Maluku, North Maluku, and Kalimantan.

The KPK conducted a search and found that around Rp. 20 billion was allegedly stored by Yudi in cash or had been converted into immovable and movable assets such as land in several locations and a number of cars bearing the names of other parties.

For information, Yudi is also currently serving a 9-year prison sentence for accepting bribes of Rp.