Unpleasant News From North Aceh, Refugees Of Floods Begin To Get Sick

JAKARTA - The Aceh Regional Police for Health Medicine stated that refugees in North Aceh Regency had begun to be attacked by diseases due to floods that hit the area in the last few days.

Head of the Health Medicine Division of the Aceh Police, Grand Commissioner Pol. Sariman in North Aceh, Tuesday, said that the refugees generally suffer from skin diseases, fever, influenza, respiratory infections, and hypertension as well as diarrhea.

"Refugees are attacked by various diseases due to the difficulty of getting clean water in the refugee camps, considering that floods are still flooding this area," said Grand Commissioner Pol Sariman.

Sariman said the Health Medicine Division of the Aceh Police opened a free medical post for flood victims in North Aceh Regency.

"It is planned that the post will be opened in the next one week at the latest. Today there are 350 flood victims seeking treatment, 217 male patients and 133 female patients. On average, residents complain of skin diseases," said Grand Commissioner Pol Sariman.

The post for treatment of flood victims involved two doctors and eight nurses from the Aceh Regional Police and Police Headquarters and assisted by the North Aceh Police Clinic.

To the flood victims, Sariman appealed to maintain their health even though they had to stay temporarily in refugee tents.

Residents who are stricken with the disease are expected to immediately come to the treatment post to get further treatment, he said.

"It is hoped that flood victims will be patient in facing this natural disaster. Hopefully this disaster will end soon," said Sariman.