100 Percent PTM Amid The Omicron Threat, Commission X: The Best And Relatively Safe Solution

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta conducts 100 percent Face to Face Learning (PTM) simultaneously starting Monday, January 3. This policy then reaped the pros and cons considering the COVID-19 variant of Omicron is increasingly threatening.

Even so, Deputy Chairman of Indonesian House of Representatives Commission X, Hetifah Sjaifudian, actually assessed that the simultaneous implementation of PTM in the capital city was the best solution. This is because children have been studying at home for almost 2 years and the impact of learning loss is extraordinary.

"The literacy skills of grade 1 Indonesian elementary school children are 6 months behind and the equivalent in numeracy is 5 months behind in learning. Like it or not, PTM is the only way", Hetifah told reporters, Monday, January 3.

According to the Golkar politician, the PTM carried out is relatively safe. The reason is that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) has also issued various regulations related to PTM in the 4 Ministerial Decree, including the requirements for completeness of vaccinations and health protocols.

“For example, in Jakarta, the vaccination rate for the general public is above 120 percent and for educators and education personnel (PTK), it is above 80 percent. Of course, this supports the security of PTM activities 100 percent in Jakarta", explained Hetifah.

However, Hetifah reminded the importance of synergizing the application of health protocols in schools. All parties, she said, must also remain vigilant.

"Although we are optimistic that PTM will run smoothly, health protocols must still be implemented firmly. Teachers must be good examples for students and ensure health protocols in schools, parents must prepare supporting equipment for children's health protocols, students must also obey the rules", she explained.

Hetifah also highlighted the issue of parents who are still afraid of their children going to school. Also regarding the Distance Learning (PJJ) option. This East Kalimantan electoral district legislator assesses that if the PTM is already mandatory, then PJJ no longer needs to be an option.

"If the school has met the requirements, it is obliged to carry out PTM and there is no PJJ option. I hope that parents understand the urgency of PTM and support this policy", said Hetifah.