Jokowi Is Busy Taking Care Of Grandchildren: Carrying Sedah Mirah At The Bogor Palace And Accompanying Jan Ethes Feeding Deer

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) uses his weekend time to play with his two grandchildren, Jan Ethes Srinarendra and Sedah Mirah Nasution.

The moment of togetherness of the three was recorded in a video uploaded to the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube on Sunday, January 2.

In the three-minute video, President Joko Widodo, wearing a white collared shirt complete with a mask, performs various activities with Ethes and Sedah Mirah such as taking a leisurely walk around the Bogor Palace, West Java.

The three of them were seen enjoying the green scenery and had time to greet residents who happened to be visiting around the Bogor Palace. From a distance, Jokowi and his grandson waved their hands.

After being satisfied with the walk, Jokowi accompanied Jan Ethes who wanted to feed several deer that were kept by the Bogor Botanical Gardens.

Next, Jokowi and Ethes resumed their morning activities by leisurely cycling around the Bogor Botanical Gardens. The moment of cycling between the two was also interspersed with impressions when Ethes answered questions about the names of leaders in the world.

"Ethes, what is the name of the first President of the Republic of Indonesia?" asked one of the Presidential Secretariat team.

"Bung Karno", replied Ethes.

"Then the Commander-in-Chief of the TNI knows or not?"

"Sir Dirman", replied Ethes

"President of America?"


"President of Russia?"


"President of China, who?"

"(Xi, red) Jin ping"

"Prime minister of India?"

"Narendra Modi", said the son of the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

After conducting the question and answer session, Jokowi and Ethes resumed their morning cycling activities. Currently, the video has been watched 50,144 times and liked by around 3,000 people.