The Prosecutor's Office Names 3 Corruption Suspects At KONI Padang

PADANG - The Padang District Attorney, West Sumatra, finally named three suspects in the alleged corruption case using grant funds from the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) Padang.

The three suspects named by the prosecutor's office had the initials As (Chairman of KONI for the period 2018-2020), DV (Vice Chairman of KONI), and Nz (Vice Treasurer 1 of KONI for the same period).

"Before being named as suspects, the three people underwent examination by a team of investigators", said the Head of the Special Crimes Section of the Padang Attorney's Office, Therry Gutama, quoted by Antara on Friday, December 31.

The three suspects were charged with Articles 2, 3, and Article 9 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.

Even though they have been named as suspects, the Padang Attorney General's Office has not yet detained the suspect because they are cooperative, willing to cooperate and other objective considerations.

The mode found in the KONI case was the existence of double payments and fictitious business trips in the 2018-2020 period with losses reaching IDR 2.5 billion.

"Furthermore, we will continue the process to complete the files for the three suspects", said the former Head of Intelligence at the Dharmasraya District Attorney.

In this case, said Therry, it is possible that there will be new suspects in the case. However, it depends on the evidence and the process that is still being carried out by the investigative team until now.

The Padang Attorney General's Office began investigating the case since September 2021, then moved up to the investigation stage in October 2021, until finally being named a suspect on December 31.

Throughout the processing, his party has examined more than 60 witnesses, both from the sports management under KONI and from the Youth and Sports Office.

"We also received a refund from a number of administrators of around IDR 20 million", he said.

Meanwhile, the legal adviser for the suspects DV and Nz, Putri Deyesi Rezki, said that her party would prepare the next steps.

Meanwhile, Padang State Prosecutor, Ranu Subroto, emphasized that his party would thoroughly investigate the case in a professional and proportional manner, as well as ensnare who was involved in the case.