Foreign Exchange Village Builds Quality Village Community And Commodities

JAKARTA - The COVID-19 pandemic which has an impact on the slowdown in the pace of the world economy has not dampened the steps of the Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI)/ Indonesia Eximbank to play an active role in increasing national exports and empowering resources for the welfare of society.

The Foreign Exchange Village is one of the programs pioneered by LPEI to improve the welfare of the community and the competitiveness of commodities produced in a region. The Foreign Exchange Village Program, which provides assistance and capacity building for export-oriented business actors, has just launched the 27th Foreign Exchange Village in Indonesia, located in Kupang Village, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java on Saturday, December 18, 2021.

"We believe that the seaweed commodity from Kupang Village has great potential and we hope that through this Foreign Exchange Village it can increase the capacity of farmers, so that this commodity can meet the quality and quantity according to export standards and needs. enjoyed by farmers and the surrounding community," said LPEI Corporate Secretary, Agus Windiarto, in a written statement, Friday, December 31.

This program started in 2019, based on community empowerment, will encourage farmers' independence through a series of training, mentoring and utilization of consulting services, so that they are able to penetrate the export market with high-quality, competitive products.

In 2019 Indonesia Eximbank started with the Cocoa Foreign Exchange Village Cluster in Bali. Jembrana became the first foreign exchange village with a leading commodity in the form of fermented cocoa beans and during the pandemic it was still exporting independently to Japan and Belgium. Furthermore, the Handicraft Foreign Exchange Village in Bantul, Yogyakarta with its unique and environmentally friendly handicraft products so that it is able to export to European countries.

Until December 2021 the Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI) / Indonesia Eximbank has launched the Foreign Exchange Village program in West Java, East Java and Bali, namely the Subang Coffee Foreign Exchange Village, Ijen Banyuwangi Foreign Exchange Agrotourism Village, Gresik Weaving Foreign Exchange Village, Kusamba Klungkung Salt Foreign Exchange Village and Sidoarjo Seaweed Foreign Exchange Village.

The total beneficiaries of the program to date have reached 2,953 farmers/weavers/craftsmen and will continue to increase in the future. The success of the Foreign Exchange Village program has been able to improve the economic, social and environmental lives of more than 10,000 local community members related to commodity development and the Foreign Exchange Village program.

Appreciation was also given by Member of Commission XI DPR RI, Indah Kurnia, for the LPEI Foreign Exchange Village program.

"With the support, guidance and guidance from LPEI, the seaweed business in Kupang Village, Sidoarjo Regency, hopefully can continue to grow," said Indah.