Scientists Find Microchips That Can Be Embedded Into Bones, Can Help To Prevent Osteoporosis

JAKARTA - A microchip that attaches to the bones in your body may be the future for preventing osteoporosis. Scientists from the University of Arizona, USA, have developed an ultra-thin computer that they hope will one day monitor patients' bone health from within their own bodies.

The microchip, which is as thin as a sheet of paper and about the size of a penny, uses wireless technology to track bone health and its ability to heal after an injury or fracture.

“As a surgeon, I am excited to use measurements collected with osseosurface electronics to someday provide my patients with individualized orthopedic treatment – with the goal of speeding up rehabilitation and maximizing function after traumatic injury,” said study co-author Dr. David Margolis, assistant professor of orthopedic surgery at UArizona College of Medicine, in a university release.

Bone health is a major concern for an aging population. The study's authors note that fractures due to fragility and conditions such as osteoporosis result in patients spending more days in the hospital than heart attacks, breast cancer, and prostate cancer.

While their new health monitor isn't ready for human trials yet, the team believes the chip could one day raise the bar for care for brittle bones and other complications of aging.

"Being able to monitor the health of the musculoskeletal system is critical," said co-senior author Philipp Gutruf, assistant professor of biomedical engineering and Craig M. Berge faculty associate in the College of Engineering.

“With this interface, you basically have a computer to the bone. This technology platform allows us to create investigative tools for scientists to discover how the musculoskeletal system works and use the information collected to aid recovery and therapy."

When a surgeon attaches a tiny chip to your bone, scientists have to build a computer thin enough that it won't irritate the muscles that surround the bone. Gutruf adds that muscle movement can also pull the larger microchip straight from the bone.

"The device's thin structure, roughly the thickness of a sheet of paper, means it can conform to the curvature of the bone, forming a tight interface," reports first author Alex Burton, a doctoral student in biomedical engineering.

“They also don't need batteries. This is made possible by using power casting and a communication method called short-range communication, or NFC, which is also used in smartphones for contactless payments,” said Burton.

Another obstacle the UArizona team had to overcome was the bone's natural ability to shed senescent cells. Just like your skin, bone also renews its outer layer, which means traditional "glue" won't work for attaching microchips.

Researcher John Szivek – a professor of orthopedic surgery and biomedical engineering – developed an adhesive containing calcium particles similar to ordinary bone cells.

"The bone basically assumes the device is a part of it and grows into the sensor itself," Gutruf added. "This allows it to form a permanent bond to bone and take measurements over a long period of time."

How will doctors use osseosurface electronics in the future?

The team believes doctors will be able to attach these microchips to bones that are broken or fractured during surgery, which will monitor the healing process going forward. The study's authors say this will be key for osteoporosis patients, who often suffer refractoriness after major injuries.

Knowing in real-time how well the bone is healing can help future doctors find the right treatment options after surgery. It can also tell the doctor when it's time to remove the plates and screws that often hold bones together after a fracture.