President Director Of Ancol: Loan Process To Bank DKI Long Before The Announcement Of Formula E Circuit

JAKARTA - The President Director of PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Teuku Sahir Syahali, emphasized that the loan disbursed by Bank DKI had nothing to do with the implementation of Formula E.

Teuku explained that the loan application process to the loan disbursement agreement from BUMD Bank DKI was carried out long before the DKI Provincial Government established Ancol as the location for the Formula E circuit.

This was conveyed in a meeting of Commission B of the DKI DPRD with the Ancol ranks, Bank DKI, and the Chair of the DKI DPRD.

"The negotiation process, approval from Bank DKI is far from the announcement of Formula E. In fact, we have been negotiating since the beginning of the year, coincidentally the signature was at the end of December. What was sudden was the announcement from Formula E. Actually, what was scheduled with DKI bank was long ago," said Sahir at the DKI Jakarta DPRD building, Tuesday, December 28.

Sahir said that the loan allocation of Rp334 billion was used for the development of facilities and infrastructure in the form of revitalizing a number of rides in Ancol.

Meanwhile, the cost of infrastructure facilities for Formula E is the responsibility of PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) as the organizer. In using the circuit, Jakpro also leases land in Ancol with a business-to-business (B2B) system.

"Funding for Formula E is carried out by Jakarta Propertindo. We only use the land and the system is B2B. Jakpro will rent it to us. Then, there is a profit-sharing mechanism from ticketing," said Sahir.

"Therefore, we emphasize once again that we are committed not to use funds for Formula E. Funds made by Formula E are carried out by Jakpro," he added.

Previously, the Chairman of the DKI DPRD, Prasetyo, suspected that a number of loans from Bank DKI to PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol would be used to organize Formula E. Although, previously this news had been denied by Bank DKI and Ancol.

In this case, Bank DKI disbursed loans to Ancol amounting to Rp1.2 billion. Of the total loan, a total of Rp334 billion will be used for the maintenance and construction of facilities and infrastructure in East Ancol.

"Too many public funds have been used for formula E. Funds from PT Jakpro, Youth and Sports Office, and now it's the turn of Bank DKI's loan to Ancol. We're not stupid, really. The revitalization of the east side of Ancol gate is the same as the location where it was built Formula E circuit," said Prasetyo.

The Coordinator of Commission B of the DKI DPRD considers that it is too coincidental if the distribution of credit between BUMD DKI is carried out two days before the determination of the location of the Formula E circuit in Ancol.

"Bank DKI disbursed Rp 1.2 trillion in credit to Ancol. The loan was signed on December 20, 2021. Two days later, December 22, 2021, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government officially announced Ancol as the location for the Formula E event. Why are there too many coincidences about the Bank's financial loan problems? DKI to Ancol?" said Prasetyo.