Indonesia Once Again Receives Moderna Vaccine Donated By German

JAKARTA - Indonesia received as many as 2.688,.00 doses of Moderna vaccine, which was a donation from the German government, said Director General of Information and Public Communication (IKP) of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics Usman Kansong.

"A total of 2,688,000 doses of Moderna vaccine are German donations through COVAX (COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access)," said Usman, quoted by Antara, Friday, December 24.

This is the arrival of the 171st stage of the vaccine. The Indonesian government, on Wednesday, December 22, has also received donations of Moderna vaccine from the German government as many as 2.389.400 doses.

"For this reason, the Indonesian government expresses its gratitude to the German government for its support in accelerating national vaccination," he said.

Besides Moderna, Indonesia also received 342.810 doses of Pfizer vaccine today. Usman said the Pfizer vaccine, which is the 172nd arrival, came from direct purchases.

The continued arrival of vaccines at the end of 2021 marks the consistency of the Indonesian government in efforts to meet the vaccine needs for the community.

The Indonesian government, said Usman, will continue to seek the arrival of vaccines, either through bilateral or multilateral channels.

He said, since the arrival of the first vaccine in early December 2020 until today, Indonesia has received as many as 432.9 million doses of vaccine, both in the form of raw materials (bulk) and finished.

"The vaccines in bulk form have been processed into finished vaccines, so the total number of ready-made vaccines that have come and processed products are more than 400 million doses," said Usman.

The Minister of Communication and Information, Johnny G Plate, added that all the vaccines that came were part of the effort to fulfill the needs of the community.

The large population of Indonesia makes the need for vaccines high. Moreover, with the start of the vaccination program for children, Indonesia's need for vaccines has increased by almost 70 million doses.

"Therefore, from the start, the Indonesian government made diplomatic efforts to be able to quickly and smoothly get access to vaccines," he said.

Currently, he continued, there are eleven types of COVID-19 vaccines that have received emergency use permits from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM). Especially for children, the vaccine that has just received permission from the POM is Sinovac.

Johnny appealed to the public not to be picky about vaccine brands, because all vaccine brands provided by the government are safe and efficacious.

"Don't take risks by assuming the pandemic is over. In addition to maintaining and implementing health protocols," he stressed.