PPI Becomes The Best BUMN In The Services, Trade, And Tourism Categories

JAKARTA - PT Indonesia Trading Company (Persero) managed to get the best ranking for BUMN Trading, in the category of BUMN Services, Trade, and Tourism by Investor Magazine with data source from the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia.

The ability to generate profits is one of the criteria in the rating. In addition, profit is also a selection that is applied before the rating process. That way, SOEs that lose money during the assessment period (2019-2020) will automatically be excluded before ranking.

But profit is not the only parameter used to assess. There are many other factors that need to be considered, such as productivity, efficiency, implementation of GCG (good corporate governance), management professionalism, and social responsibility.

This comprehensive assessment is not easy to do. In measuring the performance of SOEs, the ranking refers to five parameters.

The five parameters are annual net profit growth, one-year operating income growth, ROE (return on equity), ROA (return on assets), and net profit margin ratio.

Before entering the rankings, there are several initial selections that must be passed by SOEs. First, must not lose in the valuation year, second, have positive equity; third, complete data; and fourth, operating for more than two years.

In this ranking, only 54 SOEs can be ranked. In the Service, Trade, and Tourism Category, PT Indonesia Trading Company (Persero) managed to rank.

"Of course, this must be a whip and a booster for PPI people to further improve their performance, both personally and corporately. PPI with a greater mandate, in the years leading up to the future on the national food security agenda, of course, it needs innovation capital, strong focus, and commitment from all PPI people," said PPI President Director, Nina Sulistyowati in a written statement, Thursday, December 23.

PPI is currently handled by Nina Sulistyowati as President Director, Wien Irwanto as Director of Finance, Risk Management, HR & General Affairs, Andry Tanudjaja as Commercial Director, and Tri Wahyundo Hariyatno as Operations Director.

Nina also expressed her gratitude and appreciation for this assessment of the previous and current PPI management and all PPI personnel who have given their best performance.

"By prioritizing end-state trading logistics after the joining of PT BGR (Persero) into PPI, we are present as an aggregator, off taker and logistics in the food supply chain ecosystem with innovative digitalized business models. Efficiency in the supply chain and food going global is our concern", explained Nina.