The NU Congress Arrangement Meeting Gets Heated, The Committee: Differences Of Opinion Are Quite Sharp, But Not Physical

Bandar Lampung - The committee meeting of the 34th Nahdlatul Ulama Congress on the first day to discuss rules and regulations was heated. There was a sharp difference between the participants of the Congress regarding the articles that would be enacted, Wednesday night, December 22.

The chairman of the organizing committee for the 34th NU Congress, M Imam Aziz, admitted that there were indeed sharp differences between the participants of the congress. But he was grateful that in the end, all participants found common ground.

The NU 34th congress order session was held until the evening and only finished at 23.00 western Indonesia time, at UIN Raden Intan Bandar Lampung. One of the articles being debated is related to the technical rules for the process of determining the candidate for general chairman contained in articles 22 and 23 of the draft rules of conduct for the congress.

"Indeed, there are quite sharp differences of opinion when formulating the statute (rules), but the conditions for the differences in aspirations are far from chaotic, let alone playing physically," added Imam, Thursday, December 23.

This morning, the agenda was continued with a hearing on the accountability report for the PBNU management who would be delegating. Sitting on the stage on this occasion, PBNU's daily board members, including PBNU General Chairperson KH Said Aqil Siroj and PBNU Katib 'Aam KH Yahya Cholil Staquf. The two of them are predicted to be two strong candidates for the chairman of the PBNU.

Furthermore, the commission sessions were divided into six commissions, namely the qanuniyah commission which discussed statutory issues, the maudhu'iyah commission which focused on thematic issues, the waqi'iyah commission which focused on the legal status of fiqh in actual cases, the organizational commission, program commissions, and recommendation commissions.

The majority of congress agendas are generally publicly accessible. As for the trial of the order, the accountability report, and the trial for the selection of top NU leaders, they were held behind closed doors due to internal organization.

According to the schedule, the plenary session of the commission's results and the determination of rais aam and the election of the PBNU general chairman will take place this Thursday night. The next Friday, the event continued with the closing and the process of returning participants to their respective regions.