Polemic Of General Dudung - Habib Bahar, Observer: It's Not Good For Army Chief Of Staff To Fight With The People

JAKARTA - Political communication observer from Esa Unggul University, Jamiluddin Ritonga, assessed that

The Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General Dudung Abdurachman needs to refrain from opening the feud with preacher Habib Bahar bin Smith to continue.

After that, there were parties who reported Bahar Smith to the Polda Metro Jaya on charges of twisting Dudung's statement.

"It's really not good for an Army Chief of Staff to fight with the people. Moreover, the TNI has always claimed to come from the people," said Jamiluddin in Jakarta, Thursday, December 23.

According to Jamiluddin, as KSAD Dudung should straighten out if there are people who are considered presumptuous in speaking. Dudung, he said, should not sanction an ordinary person.

"KSAD Dudung should speak up to straighten out Habib Bahar if he is judged to have gone the wrong way," he explained

According to Jamiluddin, this approach is more appropriate and consistent with the TNI slogan coming from the people.

"If you talk, it means that Army Chief of Staff Dudung has the initiative to meet Habib Bahar. A more informal chat will be more effective in resolving the dispute," said Jamiluddin.

Previously, in a video circulating on social media, Habib Bahar who was giving a lecture in front of his congregation mentioned the name of General Dudung.

At first, he satirized someone who took down the billboard of the former Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Habib Rizieq Shihab.

It is known that the person who took down Habib Rizieq's billboard was General Dudung Abdurachman, who at that time was still serving as Pangdam Jaya.

"Which one yesterday took down Habib Rizieq's billboard? Which general took down Habib Rizieq's billboard yesterday, who said that he should just dissolve the FPI," Habib Bahar was quoted as saying Thursday, December 23.

In the viral video, Habib Bahar mentions FPI's social action in locations affected by the eruption of Mount Semeru, East Java.

"How come, not visible in Semeru, where, how come, can not be seen in Semeru. How come the FPI is there? How come, there are no posters of him there. There are billboards of Habib Rizieq in Semeru, humanity, helping the community," said Habib Bahar.

Habib Bahar then alluded to General Dudung's statement calling the Free Papua Organization (OPM) a brother.

"OPM is called as brothers, Dudung, Dudung. To Islamic organizations, fierce. To OPM, which are clearly terrorists, separatists, called as brothers," said Habib Bahar.

Habib Bahar also alluded to General Dudung's words about praying not using Arabic.

"Why did you say 'I don't use Arabic when I pray because God is not an Arab'. It's okay if you don't like Arabs, that's okay, but don't bring God," Habib Bahar said in front of the congregation.

In a different video, General Dudung tells how he usually prays after praying.

"When I pray after prayer, my prayer is simple, oh my God. I just use Indonesian, because our God is not an Arab," said Dudung when he was a guest star on 'Deddy Corbuzier Podcast' quoted Wednesday, December 22.

Those words made Deddy Corbuzier Deddy laugh out loud. The former Pangdam Jaya said that it was enough to pray in Indonesian.

"I use Indonesian, O Lord, O Allah, I want to help people, I want to help people. That's all the prayer is, that's all," said Dudung.