Good News From Yogyakarta, Next Week The Vertical Parking Building At City Hall Will Be Finished Soon

JAKARTA - The work on the construction of a vertical parking building at the Yogyakarta City Hall complex is targeted to be completed next week and then operationalized to accommodate motorcycle parking.

"The construction process is almost done, only finishing left. Hopefully, it will be done next week," the Head of Yogyakarta City Housing and Settlement Public Works Agency (DPUPKP) Hari Setya Wacana in Yogyakarta, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, December 22.

According to him, the vertical parking building is intended to provide facilities for users of two-wheeled vehicles or motorbikes, both for employees at Yogyakarta City Government environment as well as for people who come to the city hall.

The prime parking building has a capacity of around 200 motorbikes at a time.

Later, motorcycle users just need to trust their vehicles to the officers ushering in the parking building entrance.

"Sure, the vehicle number of each user of the vertical parking lot will be recorded. Please be patient if a queue appears later," he said.

The work on the vertical parking building can be done in a fairly fast time, about three months, with a budget allocation of around Rp2.3 billion.

"This facility can be used for free because it is a service to the community. We will re-coordinate the utilization and management mechanism," he said.

Hari added, the existence of the vertical parking building is also a pilot project for parking management in the city of Yogyakarta because it can be applied in other locations if it is considered to be operational and put to good use.

Previously, Head of the Yogyakarta City DPUPKP Building Arrangement Fakhrul Nur Cahyanto said the parking building consists of six levels with each level being 1.5 meters high.

The parking building is also equipped with a drop off area of ​​8x6 square meters at the front for a place to hand motorbikes to officers.

Although it could be completed in December, Fakhrul said that it was possible to start operations until early 2022 for the needs of preparation and personnel who will operate.