Call It A Cap And A Sarong For Islamic Identity, KH Said: But It's Nice To Be A National Dress Even Worn By Non-Muslims

LAMPUNG CENTRAL - Sarongs and caps have been symbols of the identity of Muslims. But what's interesting is that the combination of the cap and sarong has become a national dress that is even worn by non-Muslims.

"In one breath, through the cap and sarong, people immediately recognize that Islam doesn't have to be Arabic. Thank God, we are also happy that the cap has become a national dress. Anyone can wear it, even our non-Muslim brothers and sisters", said the General Chair of the PBNU, KH Said Aqil Siroj, spoke about Indonesia's wealth at the opening of the 34th Congress of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Darussa'adah Islamic Boarding School, Gunung Sugih, Central Lampung on Wednesday, December 22.

Said KH Said, Indonesia is very rich with symbolic independence. The fruits of global-local interactions are cultural products that are expressed in symbols that live in everyday life.

Indonesia has more than 17,000 islands with thousands of dialects. And that is a fact of the diversity and diversity of this nation. Diversity united under the big Pancasila tent with the spirit of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

"In the big tent, religious organizations act as social cement. They consolidate nationalism as a national integration project that grows from below, no need to be forced from above with an iron fist", he continued.

Indonesia has tremendous natural resource potential. Filled with forests that support the lungs of the world with a lot of mineral wealth. Its oceans contain blue economic potential and deviate not only from fish but abundant reserves of oil and gas and minerals.

"What is needed is superior human resources, who can process natural wealth as development capital. The orientation of government policy is development as well as equity", he continued.

Indonesia is the third-largest democracy and the largest Muslim country in the world. Indonesia is not a religious state, but a Pancasila state that houses all religious adherents. Islam goes hand in hand with democracy, political stability, and economic growth. It's not an easy thing. This nation has been tested by various historical tempests. Every time we fall, this nation rises even higher", he said.