Omicron Variant Emerges, DKI Jakarta Residents Are Prohibited From Holding Fircrackers Festival On Christmas And New Year

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria emphasized that the government does not allow celebrations or fireworks and firecrackers during Christmas and New Year.

"As we enter the Christmas and New Year period, we ask that there are no New Year's Eve firecrackers that can cause crowds, including fireworks," said Riza at DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, December 22.

Riza asked the public to comply with the policies set by the government. This is because the ban on Christmas and New Year celebrations, he said, was intended to prevent crowds and the spread of COVID-19.

Moreover, at this time a new variant of COVID-19 B.1.1.529 or Omicron which is more rapidly transmitted has entered Indonesia, especially Jakarta.

"I ask all Jakartans to support good programs, not to cause crowds, which can later encourage an increase in the virus," he said.

Meanwhile, the DKI Provincial Government, Metro Jaya Police, and Military Area Command (Kodam Jaya) have agreed to make the capital city quiet at the turn of 2022. Community activities will be limited to 22.00 p.m.

"So the time limit for activities is limited. It was agreed at 22.00 p.m.," said Head of Public Relations of Metro Jaya Police Commissioner E. Zulpan.

Restrictions on community activities ranging from entertainment events and so on. Including activities in shopping centers or others.

"Then for community activities that present or are entertainment in nature, then malls, other crowded places will be limited to operating hours until 22.00 p.m.," he said.

If the activity has passed the time limit, the joint personnel will carry out 'cleaning'. People are not allowed to work in public spaces.

"After 10 p.m. Western Indonesia Time (WIB), there will be control or cleaning done by joint officers from the Polda Metro Jaya assisted by the Kodam Jaya and the Provincial Government of DKI, namely Civil Service Police (Satpol PP)," said Zulpan.