Absent 2 Times, The Village Head Of Banyuglugur Situbondo Was Picked Up Forcibly Related To PTSL Corruption Allegations

SITUBONDO - The head of Banyuglugur Village, Situbondo, with the initials SRM (51) was forcibly picked up by the police. The forced pick-up was carried out because the village head had been absent twice when he was scheduled to be questioned on suspicion of corruption.

The Head of Public Relations of the Situbondo Police, Iptu Ahmad Sutrisno, confirmed the forced pick-up. It was emphasized that the village head had been absent twice when he was about to be investigated due to the PTSL program corruption case.

This village head was reported by dozens of residents in 2017. He is suspected of charging tariffs and misappropriating PTSL registration fees.

Residents who feel they have been fooled then report the alleged corruption to the Situbondo Police Headquarters.

"The state's loss reached IDR 18,350,000. This effort was made for forced arrests because the village head twice did not heed the summons of the police", said Iptu Ahmad Sutrisno, Friday, December 17.

The Corruption Eradication Team, continued Iptu Sutrisno, immediately went to the village head's house and attempted to forcefully pick him up.

"For further investigation, from the village head's house, he was immediately taken to the Situbondo Police Headquarters", he said.

Because it is already in phase two, Iptu Sutrisno added, for the surrender of the perpetrators and their evidence, until now, the Corruption Eradication Commission investigator is still coordinating with the Public Prosecutor.

"As a result of his actions, the perpetrator is threatened with a minimum sentence of 4 years and a maximum of 20 years in prison", he concluded.