"Don't Let Garut Become A Source Of Disaster", Said Dedi Mulyadi Asking The Police To Act On Illegal Gold Miners

KARAWANG - Deputy Chairman of Commission IV of the DPR RI, Dedi Mulyadi, asked the police to take firm action against the alleged illegal logging and gold mining that took place in Gunung Gelap, Garut Regency, West Java.

“The village head has left a message in Gunung Gelap that there is still illegal gold mining and illegal tree cutting. Since the Regional Police Chief is also a Garut person, please take action against the culprits," he said in a telephone call from Karawang, Wednesday, December 15.

Dedi admitted that he had previously received a complaint from the Head of Mekarmukti Garut Village, Hikmat Wijaya, who conveyed about tree felling and illegal gold mining around Leuweung Sewu and Gunung Gelap.

According to him, if the mining continues, the condition of the mountain will become bare and result in natural disasters. Because Garut is an area that is categorized as prone to disasters.

"Don't let Garut become a source of disaster. Disasters must be prevented, there should be no illegal logging and mining in Garut. Mr. Police Chief, Regional Police Chief, and Sectoral Police Chief are expected to take immediate action," he said as quoted by Antara.

Dedi said he saluted the Head of Mekarmukti Village, Hikmat Wijaya. Before becoming a village head, the village head had been a migrant worker in Malaysia working on oil palm and rubber.

Hikmat went home to build his village. He changed the mindset of the villagers who were originally illegal loggers in forest areas to become rubber farmers.

“The village head used to be a TKI in Malaysia dealing with palm oil and rubber. Now he is a pioneer in planting rubber in his village. Already harvested 10 tons. His father used to teach him. His father, originally from Garut, came here because he was afraid of DI (DI/TII), not DI ballad, so he was a nationalist,” said Dedi Mulyadi.

Hikmat, said Dedi, is also a successful figure and has a passion for village development. He is able to change the mindset of people from destroyers to nature lovers.

For this reason, Dedi also supports Hikmat's steps to prevent natural disasters that occur due to natural damage.

Furthermore, Dedi asked the police to immediately investigate and take action against illegal loggers and gold miners in Leuweung Sewu and Gunung Gelap.