Government Mentions Key To Accelerating Stunting Reduction In Indonesia Needs Cross-Sector Involvement

JAKARTA - Deputy for Human Development at the Secretariat of the Vice President Suprayoga Hadi said that efforts to accelerate stunting reduction can be carried out by involving many internal government sectors. Even at the central level, collaboration involves cross-ministerial coordination.

"Acceleration of stunting reduction also needs to involve non-governmental institutions, such as academics, professional organizations, the business world, as well as non-governmental organizations as well as the media," he said in the BKKBN discussion forum which was broadcast virtually, Wednesday, December 15.

According to Hadi, the strategy of embracing various parties has been under the umbrella of Presidential Regulation (Prepres) Number 72 of 2021 which has provided the basis for strengthening coordination of program implementation starting from the planning, budgeting, monitoring, and evaluation processes.

"Taking into account the many sectors involved, as well as to create strong coordination in the program, the coordination of the acceleration of stunting reduction is directly under the command of the Vice President," he said.

Hadi added that at the provincial and district/city levels, coordination of the acceleration of stunting reduction is encouraged to be directly under the regional head or deputy regional head.

As for planning and budgeting, he revealed that Bappenas and the Ministry of Finance have agreed to support the required cost intervention.

For information, in the previous VOI report, Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin said that currently, the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia is still around 27 percent. In fact, the government targets the prevalence of stunting to be at the level of 14 percent by 2024.

“That is, we only have less than three years. This is a fairly ambitious target and a big challenge that we all have to face together," he said.