Car Victim Entering Ravine In Pakpak Bharat, North Sumatra Found In Aceh's Subulussalam Waterfall

MEULABOH - The body of a victim of a minibus car accident that plunged into a ravine in the Buluh Didi area, Pak Pak Bharat, North Sumatra, was again found by a joint team in the Kedabuhan waterfall area, Penanggalan District, Subulussalam City, Aceh.

"The third body that we found was named Fitri Elfirati, a resident of Meulaboh, West Aceh Regency," said Subulussalam Aceh Police Chief Grand Commissioner of Police Qori Wicaksono, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 14.

The police chief explained that initially the bodies of suspected accident victims had been known to be under the Kedabuhan waterfall, Jontor Village, Penanggalan District, Subulussalam City since Tuesday afternoon.

However, because of the position where the bodies were in a difficult position to evacuate, because they were right under the waterfall, the officers and the joint team had difficulty evacuating the bodies of the victims.

The search for victims of the accident involved a joint team consisting of North Sumatra Basarnas, Aceh Police Mobile Brigade, Penanggalan Police, Subulussalam City Police, and the community.

Police chief Qori Wicaksono said that the body of Fitri Elfirati was suspected to be evacuated by a joint team until they arrived at the bathing location in Sikelang Village, Penanggalan District, Subulussalam City, at around 18.45 western Indonesia time before evening.

Then the victim's body was taken to the Subulussalam City Hospital for identification by a team of doctors and the local police health team, and carried out virtually under the guidance of doctor Aryandi, from the North Sumatra Police Dokkes Division.

From the results of the identification, said the police chief, the victim's body, Fitri Elfirati, was also found with bruises on her head, suspected of being hit, a head wound on her forehead, suspected of having been hit by a sharp object, and several bruises on several parts of the victim's body.

"The condition of the body has also undergone decomposition," said the police chief.

After being identified and matched with the characteristics by the victim's biological mother, then the body was handed over to the family to be taken to Meulaboh, West Aceh.