COVID-19 Detection, Garut Health Office Wipe Test Students At School

GARUT - The Garut Regency Health Office, West Java conducted a swab test of several students in the school environment to detect the presence or absence of COVID-19 transmission during the opening of face-to-face teaching and learning activities.
"There have been more than 100 (swab tests) in several health centers that have carried out tests", said Secretary of the Health Service, Leli Yuliani, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 14.
She said that the Garut Health Office staff carried out antigen swab tests on students at random to determine whether their health conditions were exposed to the COVID-19 outbreak or not. Provisional results, he said, there have been no reports, officers are still conducting random checks whose results will be reported later.
"There have been no reports found to be positive", she said.
Meanwhile, the Head of Disease Prevention and Control at the Garut Regency Health Office, Asep Surachman, added that the swab test examination of students had only been carried out by several schools.
Health workers in the field, he said, would continue to make maximum efforts to carry out random swab tests in areas where COVID-19 cases were found as a measure to anticipate the emergence of clusters in the school environment.
"Antigen swab in schools that carry out PTM (face-to-face learning) will continue to be maximized", he said.
He revealed the reason for the swab test as an anticipatory measure after the emergence of school clusters in other areas.
"This is a precautionary measure", he said.
Report of the Garut COVID-19 Handling Task Force, the development of COVID-19 cases has not seen a spike in cases, the average new case is one person every day.
Overall, since the COVID-19 outbreak in Garut, there have been 24,775 cases consisting of 7 cases of self-isolation, 1 case of isolation in hospital, 23,595 cases declared cured, and 1,172 cases died.