Ahead Of Christmas And New Year 2022, Bank Mandiri Prepares Rp20 Trillion In Cash

JAKARTA - PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (BMRI) has prepared a cash requirement of Rp. 20 trillion during December 2021, especially in anticipation of Christmas and New Year's Day 2022. This allocation has increased by about 19 percent from the same period last year.

According to Bank Mandiri Director of Operations Toni EB Subari, the increase in allocation was carried out following the projected increase in the need for ATM filling in line with the increase in public transactions.

"We estimate customer transactions during the Christmas and New Year 2022 period will increase. For this reason, all of our branch offices will also continue to operate normally to serve customers," said Toni in an official statement, Sunday 12 December.

He revealed that his party had anticipated the peak of customer transactions at ATMs and EDCs on Christmas and New Year 2022. Currently, there are a total of 13,040 operating Bank Mandiri ATMs connected to the ATM Link, ATM Bersama, ATM Prima, and Visa/Plus throughout Indonesia.

"Transactions on EDC machines are also expected to increase during the Christmas and New Year 2022 periods, given the distribution of THR for employees celebrating Christmas and the National Shopping Day (Harbolnas) event. In anticipation of this, Bank Mandiri has provided an EDC network which is used by more than 180,000 merchant partners to support customers' non-cash transactions," said Toni.

In addition, Toni added, his party has also set up electronic banking networks, such as the Livin' by Mandiri and Kopra by Mandiri super apps, SMS Banking, and Call Center 14000 to help customers make financial transactions.

“The Livin' by Mandiri application comes with new features such as opening initial savings account equipped with the latest facial recognition and liveness technology that allows prospective customers to open accounts online without making video calls with agents or bank officers.

Customers are given complete access to all savings accounts, personal loans, credit cards, and even their favorite e-wallet with just one login.” he said.

Other features that are no less interesting are: Cardless cash withdrawal up to Rp5 million/day, Smart Top Up for automatic e-wallet top-up, Peek balance, Quick Pick for fast transaction access even before logging in, and others.