The Islamic Boarding School In Bandung Where The Teacher Molested The Students Has Been Closed

JAKARTA - The person suspected of committing immoral acts against several female students at an Islamic boarding school in Bandung has entered the realm of fighting. The Head of the Ministry of Religion's Public Relations, Data and Information Bureau, Thobib Al-Asyhar, supports all legal steps for the depraved teacher.

According to him, this incident sticking out since six months ago. “Since the incident, the educational institution has been closed. The leader suspected of being the perpetrator of the rape has also been detained at the West Java Regional Police to undergo a legal process", Thobib explained when asked for his response to this case, as seen from the official website of the Ministry of Religion, Thursday, December 9.

Thobib explained, since the incident emerged, the Ministry of Religion has sat down with the West Java Regional Police and the West Java Child and Mother Protection Service (KPAI). The parties agreed to take several steps.

First, the West Java Regional Police closed or frozen teaching and learning activities at the educational institution. "Until now it has not functioned as a place or means of education", explained Thobib.

Second, the Ministry of Religion returns all students to their areas of origin. Their education is continued to madrasas or schools according to the level in their respective regions, facilitated by the Head of the Pontren and the local District/City Equality Education Communication Forum (FKPPS).

Third, the Ministry of Religion continues to coordinate with the Regional Police and the Office of Maternal and Child Protection, especially regarding the completion of transfers and diplomas of students at these institutions.

"As an additional note, the Ministry of Religion has collaborated with the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) and UNICEF regarding child-friendly Islamic boarding schools, where pesantren are comfortable places for their students", said Thobib.