Social Minister Risma, Encouraging The Deaf Victims Of Sexual Violence

SANGGAU - Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, gave motivation to deaf persons with disabilities who were victims of sexual violence with the initials S in Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan Province.

S is now able to hear thanks to the installation of a Hearing Aid (ABD), and is currently undergoing speech therapy so that he can at least say the word 'please.'

"If you can't hear how can you talk? After hearing with ABD, speech therapy can be done, at least he can say, 'please' so he has self-defense", said Risma in a statement received in Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, December 9.

Risma came to meet S to comfort and encourage the victim. While telling the story, she motivates the victim not to stop achieving her goals. "You have to be strong, honey. You have to be able to continue with your life", said Risma when she met the victim who was accompanied by her parents.

Risma admits that she is saddened by what happened to S. Because she also met many of these things when she was still the Mayor of Surabaya.

"I ask that people with disabilities, especially children with hearing and speech disabilities, are really given protection", said Risma.

To the officials of the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkompimda) who accompanied her, Risma emphasized that protection could be from the environment, but it was also no less important than the child. With ABD, apart from helping the ability to hear, it is also the beginning of speech therapy.

By Risma's direction, Balai Melati also delivered and installed ABD in the Social Service Office of Sintang Regency to four beneficiaries in Sintang Regency, and three people in Sanggau Regency.

"There was an incident that my daughter in NTT was let loose because the victim could not communicate the dangers she was facing, and the victim could not testify at the police. Finally, the perpetrator was released", she said.

To the Sanggau Police Chief, Risma appreciated the maximum efforts that had been made and encouraged law enforcement to find convincing evidence to ensnare the perpetrators with appropriate sanctions and provide a deterrent effect to other perpetrators.

On that occasion, Risma handed over attention assistance to the victims and their families in the form of milk, vitamins, necessities, eggs, masks, rice, and cash.

ABD assistance to S was Risma's instructions when visiting victims in Sungai Sengkuang District, Sanggau Regency, Tuesday, December 7. The Balai Melati team brought the victim to check the eardrum in Pontianak.

As a result, the right ear is damaged while the left ear can still use ABD. Furthermore, Balai Baturaden will continue to monitor and continue with speech therapy.

The Ministry of Social Affairs has been present in this case through the Social Worker Service Unit (Sakti Peksos). Through Balai Satria Baturaden, Sakti Peksos assists victims. Especially in handling trauma and assisting in the process of providing information to the police.

S experienced an unfortunate incident on November 28, 2021. The perpetrator came to the victim's house in Noyan Hamlet, Noyan Village, Noyan District, Sanggau Regency, to ask the victim's mother to massage.

The perpetrator carried out a heinous act when the victim's mother left the house to buy cold drinks according to the perpetrator's request. The investigation process is handled by the Sanggau Police. During the examination, the investigator was assisted by a sign language expert.