COVID-19 Task Force: Community Mobility Remains Restricted On Christmas Holidays

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, said the government will continue to limit the mobility of the public during the Christmas and New Year's 2022 holidays, especially for long-distance mobility.

"Checking points have been built in several areas so that the Satpol PP, Police, and TNI can conduct random COVID-19 tests and monitor the mobility of land routes. Thus, people who have run away from surveillance will be found," said Wiku, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 7 .

Meanwhile, the size of the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) will be adjusted to the COVID-19 situation in each region.

The government has also tightened the entry of citizens from abroad, especially citizens who had traveled or stopped in countries with cases of COVID-19, the Omicron variant.

"The Indonesian government will also continue to monitor the dynamics of COVID-19 internationally. This is considering the inseparable impact of COVID-19 between countries," he continued.

The government has appealed for Christmas worship to be implemented with strict health protocols. Churches that wish to hold worship directly are also required to form a Task Force for handling COVID-19 to ensure that the process is strictly defined.

"We also recommend that celebrations or gatherings be held virtually, regulate activities at tourist attractions and public facilities, and control going home during the Christmas and New Year holidays which coincide with school holidays," said Wiku.

Therefore, in public facilities, the government will deploy the COVID-19 Task Force to ensure health protocols are implemented. Regional task forces were also optimized back to the village level.

"If a village or sub-district has not yet been established, the local government is asked to make one and report its monitoring of the implementation of the prokes to a centralized COVID-19 Task Force system," said Wiku.