In Order To Always Be In Shape, These 5 Types Of Food That Are Good For Breastfeeding Mothers
JAKARTA – Keeping the health and body fresh for breastfeeding mothers can be obtained by consuming nutritious food intake. Nutritious foods also promote a healthy milk supply.
Quoting the book Boost Your Breast Milk: An All-In-One Guide for Nursing Mothers to Build a Healthy Milk Supply written by Alicia C. Simpson, reported by Parents, December 7, the following foods can be consumed by Busui to get the best goals.
1. Green vegetables
Leafy and green vegetables contain phytoestrogens which have been shown to have a positive effect on milk production. In Thailand, low breast milk is believed to be overcome when consuming green vegetables. No need to worry when eating broccoli and cabbage. Because based on study findings, the effect of bloating after eating cabbage and broccoli does not affect your little one.
2. Red and orange vegetables
Root vegetables such as carrots and sweet potatoes have been trusted for hundreds of years as lactogenic foods. Lactogenic food is a type of food that contains compounds in plants that are beneficial to stimulate and increase breast milk production.
In Chinese tradition, red and orange root vegetables are part of the zouyuezi diet. Zuoyuezi means 'sitting on the moon' and is a time of rest for new mothers. These vegetables are not only healthy for breast milk but also for babies and increase the quality and quantity of breast milk.
3. Avocado
Avocados are a great fruit for nursing mothers. This fruit with a taste that is not too sharp can help generate energy with the nutrients it contains. If the mother often feels hungry because of the increased caloric needs while breastfeeding, eating avocados can be filling.
Avocados contain 80 fats and help maintain a feeling of fullness. In addition, avocados are also a good source of B vitamins, vitamin K, folate, potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin E.
4. Nuts
Nuts are proven as a portion of good lactogenic food to help maximize milk production. Well, for foam, mineral content such as iron, calcium, and zinc as well as vitamin K and vitamin B can be useful for maintaining health and keeping the body fresh.
Nuts can also be an alternative protein food for breastfeeding mothers. In addition to eating fish, nuts also contain essential fatty acids that are good for nursing mothers.
5. Mushrooms
Mushrooms are considered equivalent to barley and wheat seeds which both provide a lactogenic effect. Breastfeeding moms can eat processed foods from oyster mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, maitake, and shimeji which contain high beta-glucans and are useful for increasing breast milk production while maintaining health.