Erick Tohir Could Be The Most Powerful Presidential Candidate From The Ministerial Cluster

JAKARTA - A political observer and Director of the Voxpol Center, Pangi Syarwi Chaniago, assessed that SOE Minister, Erick Thohir, could be the most powerful presidential candidate from the potential ministerial cluster to advance in the 2024 presidential election contestation. According to him, Erick has qualified achievements that can be a competitive capital to become RI-1 (Head of State).

"Erick Thohir's current achievements and achievements are part of the capital electoral bonus for the 2024 presidential election", Pangi said in a statement to reporters, Monday, December 6.

Pangi explained, based on data released by Voxpol in April 2021, Erick Thohir is one of Jokowi's ministers with the best performance by the public. "In that survey, the Voxpol Center simulation places Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo if paired with Erick Thohir as the strongest duet candidate in the 2024 presidential election", he said.

The results of the Voxpol survey were later strengthened by the national survey of Indonesian Political Indicators released on Sunday, December 5. Where, in the results of the Political Indicator survey, the simulation of the Ganjar-Erick duo outperformed Prabowo Subianto-Puan Maharani and Anies Baswedan-Sandiaga Uno.

"As a result, Ganjar-Erick received the highest support of 31.1 percent. Anies-Sandi was 30.8 percent and Prabowo-Puan was 28.1 percent. Meanwhile, 10 percent did not answer or did not know", said the Executive Director of Indonesian Political Indicators, Burhanuddin Muhtadi.