Do Happy Couples Often Make Love? This Is The Answer According To The Expert
JAKARTA – Apparently, making love is not a measure of whether a couple is happy or not. According to experts, there are other things that determine a couple's happiness.
Isadora Alman, MFT, sex, marriage, and family therapist and lecturer, talks about the experiences of some of her clients. That sex is not the only measure of the happiness of a couple's life. As reported by Psychology Today, Tuesday, November 30, according to Alman, good relationships and complementing each other's needs make relationships last longer.
Alman added again, 'making friends' with a partner is more fun. Alman's best friend is also happy with her old partner. They can't have sex, they fight, they never feel isolated, but they can sit together on the couch together. The two of them touched and looked at each other for confirmation of the warmth in their relationship.
"They are very connected emotionally, even physically," said Alman.
A relationship without love is like a sacred relationship, but that is not what Alman wants to emphasize. What she underlines is that there is a warm and satisfying relationship available between two people where there is no sex, but something that ignites and unites them.
Alman's advice, to not exclude someone or your partner with a measure of intimacy. Relationships that are forged without ever giving up definitely make couples happier.
In an earlier article by Alman, she stated that more than 10 percent of committed couples make love rarely or not at all but consider themselves to be in a happy relationship. When with a partner, sex with a partner is the enjoyment of the body with the aim of orgasm. But intimacy, is much more difficult to achieve than just satisfying oneself in bed.
Intimacy, according to Alman, involves yourself and your partner getting to know each other. Starting from recognizing hopes, desires, fears, to weaknesses. Not only getting to know, but also accepting other people – especially your partner – inside and out.