Demanding Junimart Girsang To Apologize, North Sumatra PP Cadre Comes To DPRD

MEDAN - Dozens of cadres and administrators of the MPW Pemuda Pancasila (PP) North Sumatra visited the North Sumatran DPRD building, Jalan Imam Bonjol, Medan. They came in the aftermath of a statement by the Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR, Junimart Girsang, regarding controlling mass organizations that are often involved in clashes.

Originally, the masses would stage a demonstration in front of the North Sumatra DPRD office. However, this failed to happen, the mass led by the Secretary of MPW PP North Sumatra, Ali M Madhy, went straight to the Banmus room of the North Sumatra DPRD.

In the Banmus room, the crowd was received by the Deputy Chairperson of the North Sumatra DPRD, Irham Buana Nasution, and Mustafa. The mass meeting with the leadership of the North Sumatra DPRD was closed.

After the meeting, Secretary of MPW PP Sumut, Ali M Mahdy said that they came to convey their demands that Junimart Girsang apologizes to Pemuda Pancasila.

"We have come here asking that the Junimart case be followed up by the North Sumatran DPRD. We have even submitted an official letter so that we hope that this letter will reach the Indonesian House of Representatives," said Ali, Monday, November 29.

Ali said that the PP cadres were originally going to take part in a demonstration but it was canceled.

"So we only carry out peaceful actions like this. We from the Regional Leadership Council (MPW) of North Sumatra Province ask Junimart to immediately apologize both in print, electronic and online openly. If there is no apology, we will review it," he explained.

Ali said, Junimart Girsang should apologize specifically and admit his mistake to Pemuda Pancasila.

"We specifically ask Junimart Girsang to admit his mistake and apologize publicly to the Pancasila youth," he continued.

Until now, Ali said that Junimart Girsang had not given a specific apology. If Junimart has not yet apologized, Ali said that his party is preparing for further steps.

"No, there is no apology yet. This is an action that we take in stages. We will see from this what the follow-up results will be. If there is no action, we will take the next step," said Ali.

It was previously reported that the Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR, Junimart Girsang, apologized. The statement was made when the DPR building was demolished by mass organizations PP last week.

"If I am blamed for that response, as a human being of faith, I apologize to the PP family," said Junimart, Thursday, November 25.

Junimart said this was related to his statement asking the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) to bring order to mass organizations that are often involved in clashes.

According to him, actually PP did not fully read his response related to the incident of clashes between mass organizations in Ciledug, Tangerang City, and his relationship with the Ministry of Home Affairs. Junimart confirmed that there was no statement from him asking the Ministry of Home Affairs to dissolve PP

"There is no statement in my opinion that the Ministry of Home Affairs should dissolve PP as a national mass organization," he said.