Success Of G20 Presidency, Ministry of Communications and Informatics Ensures ICT Infrastructure Readiness

JAKARTA - Indonesia will become the G20 Presidency in 2022. The government targets two successes in chairing the G20 Indonesia, namely substance and implementation.

Minister of Communications and Informatics, Johnny G. Plate, confirmed that he had prepared information and communication technology infrastructure support in the form of 5G connectivity, virtual meeting support devices.

"According to President Joko Widodo's directives, it is clear that the Chair of Indonesia in the G20 Presidency in 2022 has two targets that must be successful. Success in terms of substance and success in its implementation. These two things are being done", said Minister Johnny in a press release from Kominfo, Friday, November 26.

He said this after participating in the signing of the Land Borrow-Use Land Use BTS Program of the Telecommunications and Information Accessibility Agency of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics at the Sofitel Hotel, Nusa Dua, Badung, Bali.

To fulfill the President's orders, the organizing committee from the ministries and institutions has arranged 118 meetings. According to the Minister of Communication and Information, the substance aspect of the G20 Presidency is related to the Sherpa Track, Finance Track, Working Group, and Engagement Group.

"The Ministry of Communication and Informatics will periodically provide updates to stakeholders and the industrial ecosystem and the public regarding the development of the discussion of the Digital Economy Working Group at the G20 meeting", he explained.

Minister Johnny stated that the entire series of meetings would take place in 16 or 17 cities in Indonesia. Therefore, the Ministry of Communication and Information has prepared ICT infrastructure by providing 4G and 5G networks.

"Kominfo also prepares virtual devices using Webex and provides a backup network to anticipate if there is a disruption in telecommunication connectivity", he said.

Regarding the standard of providing ICT infrastructure and connectivity, the Minister of Communication and Information stated that it would be like the implementation of the World Super Bike some time ago at the Mandalika Circuit.

"As we are currently doing in organizing the World Super Bike, and at the time of the Mandalika Moto GP, a backup network will also be provided. Likewise with the G20 Summit international event", he said.

Network Access and Backup

The President Director of BAKTI, Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Anang Latif explained in a ministerial meeting, BAKTI Kominfo will prepare a bandwidth of around 20 Gbps.

"Then, at the head of state-level meeting in the G20 Summit, a network capacity of 2 Gbps is provided and for support levels such as meeting activities, a support network capacity of 400 Mbps is available", he explained.

According to the President Director of BAKTI Kominfo, his party is collaborating with partner providers and telecommunications operators to set up bandwidth and ensure a smooth WiFi network signal in more than 100 activity venues during the G20 Summit.

“For the G20, the Minister of Communication and Informatics, Johnny G. Plate, always prioritizes collaboration. So we are coordinating with many parties because this is impossible for BAKTI to do alone, but involves many of our partners, namely telecommunications providers or operators”, he explained.

President Director Anang explained that his party will also coordinate with cellular operator service partners to prepare spare network capacity. It is also intended to support the smooth running of the G20 event for the next year.

“In principle, for every venue or meeting, we always prepare backup network backups. In addition, capacity must meet the need for fast internet, because this is where heads of state and ministers gather. It is not enough for one location to be prepared by one telecommunication operator, but there must be two or even three operators who always make backups", he said.

The President Director of BAKTI Kominfo said, to make the implementation of the G20 Indonesia Presidency successful, which will begin in early December this year, BAKTI Kominfo together with three operators who already have licenses will provide 5G experience services.

“There are in the form of Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and various others. Then, there is also a booth that will be prepared later. Each of them will show not only the signal, but the application will also provide a different experience from 4G", he explained.

Moreover, President Director, Anang, who is the Head of the Infrastructure Working Group, is also tasked with preparing a 5G showcase experience at the G20 event next year.

"So, basically we want to show all partners that Indonesia is now more advanced. Maybe it's different from their perception so far, we want to emphasize that Indonesia in terms of telecommunications technology is quite advanced", he said.