Body Of Toddler Who Drowned In Culvert Was Found

SURABAYA - A joint team from the Linmas Disaster Management Agency (BPB), Basarnas, SAR, and the Surabaya City Fire Department (PMK) found the body of a toddler who had drowned in a culvert.

"Alhamdulillah, Ananda Galang's body was found Friday at 10.55 WIB", said Head of BPB Linmas Surabaya City, Irvan Widyanto, quoted by Antara, Friday, November 26.

The two-year-old toddler named Galang Satrio Aji has swept away in the waterways of Manukan Kasman Street RT 2 RW 10, Tandes, Surabaya after swimming when it rained on Wednesday, November 24.

According to him, after three days the joint team searched, finally, Galang was found under the southeast culvert or 20 meters from Muhammadiyah Middle School, Manukan Kulon, Surabaya.

"The deceased was caught in fiber optic cables and garbage", he said.

Irvan said that currently the body of the deceased had been evacuated by a joint team. Irvan said his party would first coordinate with the family before the body was handed over.

The search for Galang on Thursday, November 25 was hampered by piles of garbage and silt under the culverts.

According to information, the incident began when the victim's father was at work, while his mother was washing dishes. Meanwhile, the victim was playing alone and fell into the sewer.

One of the residents saw a toddler being carried away by the water currents in the sewers, but because of the heavy current after the rain, the residents did not have time to help. The culvert has a width of 1.8 meters and a depth of approximately 2 meters.

However, when it was raining heavily, the aqueduct was full of water.