Former Boxing Promoter Zainal Tayeb Sentenced To 3.5 Years In Prison

DENPASAR - The Denpasar District Court Panel of Judges sentenced businessman and boxing promoter Zainal Tayeb to three years and six months in prison. Zainal Tayeb was found guilty in the case of entering false information into an authentic deed (land deed).

"The panel of judges led by I Putu Yasa has sentenced Zainal Tayeb to three years and six months in prison, reduced while the defendant is in custody," said Head of Intelligence for the Badung District Attorney I Made Gde Bamaxs Wira Wibowo, quoted by Antara in Denpasar, Bali, Thursday, November 25. night.

He said in the verdict of the panel of judges that the defendant was legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing a criminal act as regulated and threatened with punishment in Article 266 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

The verdict received by the defendant was higher than the demands previously filed by the public prosecutor who demanded three years in prison.

This case began on September 25, 2017, when the defendant asked to meet with witness Hedar Giacomo Boy Syam to discuss cooperation in building a villa.

Furthermore, during the meeting the defendant told witness Hedar Giacomo Boy Syam that he would sell the land with a total area of 13,700 square meters at a price of Rp4,500,000 per meter, and it would be one of the clauses in the Sales and Development Cooperation Agreement.

At that time Hedar Giacomo Boy Syam agreed and agreed to pay for the land owned by the defendant and believed the defendant that the total area of the land really had an area of 13,700 square meters.

After the draft agreement was completed, the defendant's staff immediately contacted notary Bruno Fransiscus Hary Prastawa to make the deed.

To the notary, the defendant gave information that the defendant had eight Ownership Certificates with a total area of 13,700 square meters to be included in one of the clauses in Deed Number 33 dated 27 September 2017 concerning the Development and Sales Cooperation Agreement.

But in reality, according to HG Boy Syam, the land area is only 8,892 square meters.