Members Of PP Organization Persecute Police Officers, Metro Jaya Police: As If They Are Above The Law

JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police stated that the Pemuda Pancasila (PP) community organization (ormas) felt they were superior to the law in force in Indonesia.

The statement was addressed to the PP Organization for persecuting members of the National Police while securing a demonstration.

"We need to note that PP organizations in today's activities seem to place them above the law. Even against law enforcement officers who are not their opponents," said the Head of Public Relations of the Metro Jaya Police Grand Commissioner E. Zulpan to reporters, Thursday, November 25.

In fact, at that time, the victim of the persecution, AKBP Dermawan Karosekali, was in charge of controlling traffic around the DPR building. However, members of the PP mass organization actually carried out the persecution.

The police will take strict action against the perpetrators of the abuse.

"The activity of expressing opinions in public is supported by this applicable regulation, which we will carry out security measures. But if it is carried out with these anarchic activities, we will take action," said Zulpan.

In handling this persecution case, there were 15 members of Pemuda Pancasila who were made suspects. This determination is based on the results of the examination.

From their hands were found various sharp weapons that do not need to be carried in demonstrations. The police also found two bullets whose origins are now being traced.