Judge Of Tanjungkarang District Court Bandarlampung Dies After Playing Tennis

BANDARLAMPUNG - A Class IA Tanjungkarang District Court (PN) judge, Bandarlampung Surono, died after playing tennis in the Pahoman area, Bandarlampung.

The sad news was confirmed by the head of the Tanjungkarang District Court, Dadi Rachmadi, when he was met at the local court.

"That's right, one of our judges has died," he said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 25.

Rachmadi explained that the judge died while at the Pahoman Satellite Health Center after being rushed from the tennis court.

While playing tennis, the judge was participating in the Indonesian Supreme Court Citizens Tennis Association (PTWP) championship. The judge is currently undergoing selection for representatives of the Tanjungkarang District Court.

"The late Lampung representative participated in the selection at the Tanjungkarang District Court. From information from a fellow judge who was playing, while playing at the Pahoman tennis court, he suddenly fell and was immediately taken to the nearest health center," explained Rachmadi.

Rachmadi added that before being taken to his hometown in Tangerang for burial, a funeral prayer was held at the court mosque. Then the release was carried out with final respect for fellow judges and local officials.

"We did the release before being taken to our hometown by land," he continued.

As a result, the six agendas for the trial of corruption at the Tanjungkarang District Court which were originally scheduled to be held today had to be postponed.

Six corruption trials, namely the corruption of the BPBD Treasurer of Bandarlampung City, the Pringsewu DPRD's food and drink budget, corruption in the procurement of corn seeds, and two hearings in the case of corruption in village funds were postponed.