A Sad Life Portrait Of Gunawan, Honorary Teacher Of Special Education In Semarang: House Almost Collapse With Cracked Walls

SEMARANG - Rupi'ah (65 years) and Mahmudi (72 years) could not hold back tears. Sobbing in front of the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, who came to his house in Mangunharjo, Tembalang, Semarang City.

Cupping their palms together, the husband and wife kept on giving thanks. Both of them also repeatedly thanked Ganjar.

Ganjar deliberately came to Rupi'ah and Mahmudi's house. Because in that simple house, lived one of the unsung heroes who had devoted his life to the nation for years. His name is Gunawan Ardiyanto. Rupi'ah and Mahmudi's third child who became an honorary teacher at SLB Negeri Semarang.

"Well sir, what did I dream last night. Thank you, sir," said Rupi'ah as she continued to sob.

"It's okay, don't cry anymore. this house, it's a mess," said Ganjar.

Ganjar went straight to Gunawan's house accompanied by Rupi'ah and Mahmudi. The house that Gunawan and his parents live in is very simple. The roof has a lot of holes, the walls are cracked and it's worrisome. There is no luxury furniture in the house.

Ganjar walked to the kitchen. On his way to the kitchen, he came across a bedroom with a simple, thin mattress. Piles of clothes scattered on top.

In the kitchen, conditions are no better. The back building of the house almost collapsed and was in a dilapidated condition.

"We'll help you later, to build the house. To make it more comfortable. Is this grandma's room? Which is Gunawan's room?" Ganjar asked.

"Here sir, sorry the condition is like this. The mattress is hard sir. Can you buy me a soft mattress," Rupi'ah asked.

Ganjar laughed at Rupi'ah's simple request. He immediately agreed to the request of the woman who worked in the market every day. He promised to buy two mattresses, one for Rupi'ah and Mahmudi, the other for Gunawan.

"Later I will buy the mattress, the bouncy one. I'll buy two," he said. Rupi'ah immediately burst into tears while hugging Ganjar.

Ganjar asked the village head and several local residents who were present at the place to work together to help renovate Gunawan's house. He hopes that the house will become a comfortable place to live and will make the honorary teacher more enthusiastic in serving the community.

"Please help, sir, invite the residents to work together to help repair this house. I'd like to say goodbye, good health for you," said Ganjar as he said goodbye.

Rupi'ah did not expect to get such a surprise. Her third child, Gunawan, whom she sent to school is now the pride of the family. Thanks to Gunawan, Rupi'ah was lucky, was visited by the number one person in Central Java, and had her house repaired.

"I feel very happy, thank God, thank you very much, Mr. Ganjar. I never dreamed of getting this help. A gift for my son from Mr. Ganjar truly makes me very happy," she said.

When Ganjar came to visit Rupi'ah's house, Gunawan was not at home. He is teaching at his school. And when Gunawan got home, he was immediately embraced by his parents. The three of them cried together.

"Alhamdulillah, I am very happy. Thank you very much, Mr. Ganjar, for helping us, for giving me and my parents the opportunity to live a better life," he said.

Gunawan said that he had been an honorary teacher at SLB Negeri Semarang for eight years. His salary as an honorary teacher is not enough to repair the house he lives in with his parents.

"The condition of the house is apprehensive, it often leaks and is about to collapse. Thank God this is getting help, it wants to be repaired," he explained.

Gunawan said he would be more enthusiastic to serve the country as a teacher. He also hopes that all teachers in Indonesia will always be patient and continue to motivate their students.

"Hopefully we can give something for the education of the nation's children to be even better. Hopefully, we will not get tired of continuing to provide motivation," he concluded.

Gunawan is one of several honorary teachers in Central Java who received assistance from Ganjar to coincide with the commemoration of National Teacher's Day. Besides Gunawan, several honorary teachers in Central Java also received similar assistance. The houses of honorary teachers who are not suitable for housing receive assistance from the uninhabitable house rehabilitation program (RTLH).

In addition to providing assistance to underprivileged honorary teachers, Ganjar also gave prizes and awards to a number of outstanding teachers in Central Java. A number of outstanding students also received awards from Ganjar.