The Story Of Nerita, Who Has Passed The Highest Ranking PPPK Test But Wasn't Even Said To Meet The Conditions

JAKARTA - The leadership of the Surabaya City DPRD highlighted the lack of thoroughness of the selection committee for non-PNS employees or the Procurement of Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) for the Functional Positions of Health Workers of the Surabaya City Government, thus harming the participants who have graduated.

"The problem was that initially there were participants who were declared to have passed, but were later declared ineligible," said Deputy Chairman of the Surabaya DPRD Reni Astuti in Surabaya, Wednesday, November 24, quoted from Antara.

Reni's statement began with a complaint from a Surabaya resident whose child was originally declared to have passed the PPPK test, but was later declared ineligible, submitted through the Wargaku application.

It is known that the first aid participant named Nerita Chusnul Putri Farid or called Puput, a resident of North Medayu, Medokan Ayu Village, Rungkut District, Surabaya with participant number 2165713120000061 with the formation of Skilled Pharmacist Assistant.

Based on a letter from the Surabaya City Government Number 810/14100/436.8.3./2021 concerning the Selection of the PPK for the Functional Position of Surabaya City Government Health Workers in 2021, Nerita Chusnul Putri Farid, who was originally declared to have passed the selection test with the highest rank, was declared ineligible.

This is because the educational qualification that Nerita Chusnul Putri Farid has is a Bachelor of Pharmacy which is declared not in accordance with the qualifications required in the PPPK, namely D III pharmacy.

Receiving this, Reni confessed that she felt sorry and concerned about what had happened to Puput. According to her, when Puput had hoped that her test would be accepted, it turned out that there were administrative requirements that were not met because the committee was not thorough.

Therefore, said Reni, there must also be wisdom from the Surabaya City Government. According to her, the Surabaya City Government has the authority and discretion to accept as another contract employee at the City Government.

"At least this as a substitute, the employment status must not be the same," she said.

Meanwhile, Puput's father, Farid, said that until now, Puput is still traumatized by the notification.

"At first Puput was happy with the news that she was accepted as an employee at the city government. But after that, she was shocked after a notification that she did not meet the requirements. Even though my daughter had struggled from start to finish until she finally graduated," he said.

Farid admitted that in the beginning Puput was just a fad to register for the PPPK selection using a bachelor's degree, while what was needed was a D III. Puput's consideration, although the educational strata are different, the qualifications needed are in accordance with their abilities.

"It should have been declared invalid from the start. So Puput had no hope. But the selection that Puput participated in passed all the way to the end. This is what makes us disappointed. My son is traumatized now. Hopefully this will be a shared lesson," he said.

Meanwhile, the Surabaya City Government in the Wargaku application apologized for the committee's inaccuracy in the selection of the PPPK administration.

In accordance with Article 34 of Permenpan 29 of 2021, it is stated that applicants who have passed but it is proven that their educational qualifications are not in accordance with those determined by the minister, then the committee announces the cancellation of the graduation in question.