4 Easy Ways To Overcome Damaged Hair Due To Smoothing

JAKARTA - Not a few women in this world who want straight and shiny hair. Usually, women who are born with curly or wavy hair will be tempted to straighten their crown at a beauty salon. Hair smoothing or hair straightening technique is not only done for the sake of getting the dream straight hair, but hair smoothing also serves to make one's hair neater because it can smooth curly hair.

Hair smoothing itself is basically not permanent. This hair straightening technique can only last 4 to 5 months. The results that look natural also make women with curly hair willing to spend more money to get the best smoothing results at famous salons. Although the straight and shiny effect of smoothing only lasts for a short time, did you know that hair damage will occur if you continue to smooth? To be healthy as before, here are the tricks to deal with damaged hair due to smoothing.

Use hair mask three times a day

Within one week, try to schedule 3 times regularly to do your own hair mask at home. Use a special mask formulated for damaged hair, so it can lock the moisture in each strand of hair. If you are diligent in doing a hair mask every week, then the hair that was originally branched and brittle will return to its natural shine and softness. The natural ingredients that you can use as a hair mask at home are a mixture of avocado flesh, honey, eggs, and olive oil.

Diligently use hair vitamins

As a result of exposure to smoothing chemicals that make hair dry and fall out quickly, the second step you have to do is never forget to give vitamins or serums to problem hair. Currently, there are many hair vitamins from various local and foreign brands that offer five-star salon treatments. Just use hair vitamins after every shower, then within a few months, your hair will slowly return to normal.

Use special shampoo and conditioner

In daily care, use a special shampoo and conditioner for damaged hair due to smoothing while in the shower. It is the most basic treatment, now there are many brands of shampoo that provide treatment for severely damaged hair. So that this initial treatment is maximized, don't forget to use the right conditioner according to the condition of the hair that is being experienced.

Don't tie your hair too often

The habit of braiding hair can cause hair to be more damaged. Instead, let the hair loose freely every day while it is in the treatment period. Because, if it's too long in a ponytail, it will put excessive pressure on the hair roots, triggering hair loss and causing premature baldness.