Arteria Dahlan Alludes To Police Until Judges Can't Be OTT, Novel Baswedan: Where To Study?

JAKARTA - The former investigator of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Novel Baswedan, said all officials should be prohibited from being the object of a hand arrest operation (OTT).

This was conveyed as a satire in response to the statement by a member of Commission III of the DPR from the PDI-P faction, Arteria Dahlan, who said that police, prosecutors, and judges should not be arrested through silent operations if they were caught in a corruption case.

"For once, all officials are not allowed to be in OTT to maintain their dignity. Whether they want to corrupt or rob the state's money, they are free", Novel said as quoted from his Twitter account @nazaqistsha, Friday, November 19.

Novel admitted that he was confused by Arteria's statement. In fact, Novel questioned how a member of the Indonesia House of Representatives could have such thoughts.

"How come members of the House of Representatives think like that? Where did you learn it", he said.

Arteria Dahlan said the police, judges, and prosecutors should not be the objects of the silent operations that are often carried out. He expressed this opinion during an online discussion on Thursday, November 18.

"In the future, in Commission III, we are also initiating. Personally, I believe that the police, judges, prosecutors should not be OTT. Not because we are pro-corruptors but because they are symbols of the state in the field of law", said Arteria.

He said that there are actually many ways to take legal action against corrupt behavior other than OTT. Moreover, this kind of operation often leads to accusations of criminalization and politicization.

"Even though we have great resources for the police, prosecutors, judges, law enforcers. Really, the capital is only OTT, not by building legal construction that is more usable, challenged by all parties, so that fairness is more visible", he concluded.