Question Mark Of PDIP Rotation Replaces Herman Herry With Bambang Pacul At The Law Commission, What Happened?

JAKARTA - The PDIP faction rotated Herman Herry from the chairman of Commission III of the DPR to become a member of Commission VII of the DPR RI. Herman was replaced by the Secretary of the PDIP Faction, Bambang Wuryanto alias Bambang Pacul, to fill the position of head of the legal commission.

The head of the PDIP faction, Utut Adianto, previously argued that the transfer of the board's equipment or AKD was an ordinary 'tour of duty'.

"It's true that it was moved from III to VII as of November 16," said Utut to reporters, Wednesday, November 17.

There is no problem, the former Deputy Speaker of the DPR said that Herman Hery was transferred to Commission VII as part of the refreshment of the PDIP Faction. In addition, said Utut, this is part of a career in the DPR RI.

"This is a tour of duty. An ordinary tour of duty," said Utut.

Herman Herry has also responded to his transfer as a member of Commission VII DPR. According to him, wholehearted devotion is a commitment that he has always adhered to since he first decided to join the PDI-P decades ago.

"As a party official, I have only one principle, which is to win battles on any battlefield. I am placed by Mrs. Chairwoman Megawati Soekarnoputri and the leader of the party I love," Herman Herry told reporters, Thursday, November 18.

Likewise, he said, when the party gave a new mandate to serve on Commission VII of the DPR RI.

"I am obedient and loyal to the decision. What is certain is that I will continue to carry out my constitutional duties as a representative of the people of NTT to be able to serve the land of my beloved NTT," he said.

However, regarding this rotation, Bambang Pacul has not commented.

In response to this, a political observer from Al Azhar University Indonesia, Ujang Komaruddin, considers this reason to be an obsolete argument.

"I saw it, sorry, it's a classic argument, an ordinary argument, an old argument," said Ujang when contacted by VOI, Thursday, November 18.

Because according to him, Herman Herry was not transferred to the same position. Namely, as chairman of the commission.

"Logically, if he was the chairman of commission III, then he was transferred to commission VII as a leader again, not as a member. That's a tour of duty, right, if the leader is made a member, his name is relegated, his name is discarded," explained Ujang.

The Executive Director of the Indonesia Political Review (IPR) suspects that Herman Herry was 'expelled' to Commission VII of the DPR as an ordinary member because the legislator from the East Nusa Tenggara electoral district was unable to fulfill the wishes of the PDIP. Moreover, Herman Herry's name had appeared in the alleged corruption in social assistance (bansos) involving PDIP politician, Juliari Batubara.

"I suspect that if there is an exile, usually a member of the faction is not able to fulfill the party's wishes. I don't know whether it is related to legal issues surrounding PDIP or other agendas that I don't know. But that's usually how it is," said Ujang.

On the other hand, continued Ujang, the pattern that occurs in the DPR when the leadership cannot run it properly will be replaced. "For example, Diah Pitaloka is the same, when the case in Commission IX can't be transferred. Therefore, actually it is the degradation of members as if wrapped in a tour of duty argument," explained Ujang.

So, why is his successor Bambang Pacul? It is known, recently that Bambang was the most vehemently opposed to Ganjar Pranowo's nomination until the term wild boar emerged. Does Herman Herry have anything to do with supporting Ganjar?

"Yes, maybe it's going that way, it could be. It was detected 'support support' and then there were indications there. PDI-P will definitely kill him. Because of that, he might be relegated to being a member. The party wants him to do B, he's considered indisciplined and then he's thrown out," he said. Sonny.

Meanwhile, political communication observer at Esa Unggul University, Jamiluddin Ritonga, said that the change in the leadership of Commission III from Herman Herry to Bambang Pacul was certainly surprising. The reason is, so far there have been no issues that have arisen regarding the leadership of Herman Hery in the commission for law, human rights, and security.

"There is nothing controversial in Commission III as long as it is led by Herman Hery. The implementation of the budget, legislation, and supervision functions are also running normally. This means, judging from the implementation of the functions of the DPR RI, the performance of Commission III can run relatively well," Jamiluddin said to VOI, Thursday, November 18th.

Therefore, he continued, it is only natural that the replacement of the chairman of Commission III of the DPR RI will cause speculation. The reason for the refreshment of a career in the DPR RI naturally becomes unreasonable.

Moreover, said Jamiluddin, the educational background of Bambang Pacul who replaced Herman Herry was also not related to the field of Commission III of the DPR RI.

"Bambang Pacul graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering from UGM and a Master's Degree in Strategy from Prasetya Mulya. Therefore, based on his education, Bambang Pacul was actually not very fit to be placed in Commission III of the DPR RI," said Jamiluddin.

Apart from the issue of social assistance corruption that had given rise to Herman Herry's name, Jamiluddin suspects that the placement of Bambang Pacul is likely to secure strategic matters related to Commission III of the DPR.

"PDIP seems to want to secure matters related to law, human rights, and security," he said.

Moreover, the man who was born in Sukoharjo, Central Java, July 17, 1956, is known as one of Puan Maharani's confidants, the daughter of the PDIP General Chairperson who is now the Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

Bambang Pacul has been a confidant of Puan Maharani since Puan served as chairman of the PDIP Faction of the DPR RI for the period 2012-2014. He is often present at events attended by Puan Maharani.

"Bambang Pacul's appointment as the Chair of Commission III is politically appropriate because it is a confidant of Puan Maharani. Therefore, Bambang Pacul is expected to be able to secure the interests of his party in the fields of law, human rights, and security," said Jamiluddin Ritonga.