Tired Or Sad? These 5 Types Of Tea Can Improve Your Mood

JAKARTA – The mood is never fixed. Yesterday was cheerful today can be because of one thing to be sad or even feel tired. For those of you who are in need of a way to improve your mood, tea can be an alternative choice.

Many people prefer tea to coffee, not a few who like to look for types of herbal teas or known as tisane. Tisane is a warm or cold drink that is brewed from flowers, leaves, roots, tubers, and plant stems.

Some types of tea contain caffeine, but some contain compounds that are beneficial for calming and relaxing. Interested in brewing a fragrant and efficacious tea to improve mood? Here's the list.

1. Basil tea

Basil leaves are also known as basil, reported by Health Shots, Thursday, November 18. In Indonesia, there are also basil leaves which are commonly used for salads, but the species is different from basil leaves.

Basil leaves show neuro-cognitive effects according to a 2017 study published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Basil leaves are useful to help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety in people who have these disorders.

To make basil tea, also known as tulsi tea, mix basil leaves, chopped fresh ginger, and cardamom powder. Put the ingredients in boiling water and let stand for 5 minutes. Finally, strain the tea and add honey or lemon juice to taste.

2. Green tea

Brewing and enjoying green tea is one solution when the body is tired. Green tea contains caffeine which provides a little energy. Relax, the effect is not as high as drinking coffee. According to a study conducted by the Journal of Functional Foods, the caffeine in green tea is slowly absorbed by the body and induces a calming effect. The study also highlighted that green tea helps reduce anxiety and inhibits amylase activity as a marker of stress.

3. Chamomile tea

Chamomile is a flower that is still in the same family as daisies. Can be brewed after drying or freshly picked. According to research published in the journal PubMed Central, chamomile contributes to reducing stress and helps you relax after a busy day.

Chamomile tea also helps you sleep better. How to make it, boil water and prepare chamomile flowers in a brewed teapot. Pour boiling water and let stand for 10 minutes. Strain first or pour into a cup.

4. Peppermint tea

Peppermint is proven in a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Plants. The study revealed that the aroma of peppermint tea can help you relax. Peppermint also has anti-inflammatory properties, helping to reduce pain, lower cortisol levels, and improve mood.

5. Black tea

In every cup of black tea, according to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), contains 60-90 milligrams of caffeine. Black tea is made from the Camelia Sinensis plant whose leaves have been fully oxidized so that it has a strong taste and dark color.

A study proved that people who drink black tea every day tend to experience a significant reduction in stress. A study conducted at University College London also found that black tea helps lower stress hormones.

Of the tea ingredients above, which one are you most likely to brew in the near future to support a calm mood, away from stress, and stay energized?