DKI Strives For Continuation Of River Normalization

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria stated that the river normalization program which is one of the flood control measures in the capital city continues to be pursued.

"God willing (it will continue), we from the DKI Provincial Government have discussed it with the PUPR Ministry," said Riza at Jakarta City Hall, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, November 17.

Riza explained that flood prevention programs in Jakarta had been prepared according to the plan. One of the flood control programs is river normalization.

"The plans have been prepared including normalization, naturalization, and others. Construction of polder embankments, reservoirs, all of which have been prepared where the priority stages are adjusted to the adjusted planning," he said.

Previously, a member of the PDI-P faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Agustina Hermanto, said that DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan did not normalize rivers during his leadership in the capital city.

He also asked the DKI Provincial Government to work on the normalization project.

"Although it is late because, for the last four years, the Provincial Government has not done any normalization, we encourage this budget to be increased in 2022," Agustina said at the DKI Jakarta DPRD building, Tuesday, November 16.

Tina also stated that her party approved a budget of Rp1.2 trillion for river normalization and restoration by 2022.

Meanwhile, he stated that the PDI-P faction requested that the infiltration well program be removed and diverted for more pronounced flood prevention activities.

"Unclear programs such as infiltration wells are recommended to be removed and the budget allocated for river normalization," he said.

"The more threatening floods in Jakarta make us have to work harder in thinking about the best solution so that the capital city can reduce the impact of floods that often occur," he said.