How To Easily Hide Photos On Instagram Without Deleting

YOGYAKARTA - Instagram's social media platform has a variety of interesting features that you can use. With Instagram, users can share a variety of photos, which are on your phone.

However, there are times when users also post silly photos that embarrass you. But, you are reluctant to delete it from Instagram because the photo is also interesting.

If you want to make the photos that you upload on Instagram cannot be seen by others, you can hide them with one of the features that Instagram has, namely using the "Archive" feature.

The Archive feature is found in the latest version of Instagram. If you want to use it, you'll need to update your Instagram on the Google Play Store or the Apps Store.

By updating your Instagram app users can hide your uploaded photos. Users can also do this with just a few steps that the VOI team has prepared below.

How to Hide Instagram Photos

To hide photos that you upload on Instagram so that your followers don't see them, users can first update your Instagram app via Google Play Store or Apps Store, then click "Update".

After the update process is complete, users can open the Instagram application and log in using your account that has uploaded photos that you want to hide.

After logging into your Instagram "Home" page, users can enter the "Profile" page by clicking on the icon in the lower right corner.

The user will enter the profile page and can see the photos that you have uploaded on Instagram. Then select the photo you want to hide by opening the post.

After that, click the options menu in the form of the three-dot icon in the upper right corner of your post, so a menu option will appear that you can choose to take action on the photo.

Select the "Archive" menu at the bottom of the menu, so your posts will disappear from your Instagram Feed, but not permanently deleted, but simply hidden.

If you want to see the photos that you have hidden, the user can select the "Archived Posts" menu contained in the same menu. Then you will see the photos that you have archived or hidden from the Instagram Feed.

In addition, you can also restore your hidden photos back to be seen by everyone. The trick is to click the photo that you have archived, then select "Show on Profile".

That's how to easily hide photos that you upload on Instagram, without having to permanently delete them from your Instagram Feed.