Easy Ways To See The Most Frequently Contacted Contacts On WhatsApp
YOGYAKARTA - The WhatsApp instant messaging application has a variety of interesting features that its users can use for various purposes, such as sending text messages, making voice calls to video calls.
In addition, you can also perform other activities on WhatsApp with the features in it, including buying and selling goods.
The activity that you do on WhatsApp can be known by doing "Export Chat" in your account. In addition to checking your activities, users can also find out the activities of those closest to you.
Users can also see with whom the WhatsApp accounts of those closest to you communicate such as who sends chat messages the most, who makes phone calls the most, and others.
The trick, you can see the smartphone of the person in question and do the steps that have been compiled by the VOI team below.
How to see which contacts chat most often
To find out who chats or calls the most on your WhatsApp, users can open the WhatsApp application on your smartphone.
Then click the other menu in the form of the three-dot icon in the upper right corner of your WhatsApp main page, so that a number of menus appear that the user can choose from.
Next, select the "Settings" or "Settings" menu and select the "Chats" option if you want to see the contacts that chat with your WhatsApp account the most.
Scroll down until you find the "Chat History" option in the chat settings menu. Then click "Export Chat" to continue the process.
At the top, there is a "Frequently Contacted" menu which will display a row of contacts with whom you have communicated or chatted the most recently on WhatsApp.
In addition, you can also see the last contact you called in the "Recent Call" column. This column will display the personal and group contacts who most recently sent a chat.
In addition to using the settings menu in WhatsApp, you can also see the people your WhatsApp contacts most often, via WhatsApp Data Storage.
If the user checks the most contacted contacts with Data Storage, you can see not only chats and calls, but also photo or video files sent to your contacts.
This is a way to see which contacts contact your WhatsApp the most, either via chat or phone. You can do the steps above to find out the contacts that the people closest to you contact most often.