TNI Distributes Basic Food For Flood Victims In Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan

KAPUAS HULU - Kodim 1206 Putussibau in Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan distributed basic food packages for flood-affected residents in Semitau District.

"We are very concerned about the flooding that occurred, hopefully, the assistance we provide can ease the burden on the people affected by the flood," said Dandim 1206 Putussibau Lieutenant Colonel Inf Jemi Oktis Oil, while handing over food packages for flood victims in Semitau Kapuas Hulu, quoted by Antara, Monday, November 15th.

Jemi said that the assistance distributed was as many as 400 food packages with the aim of easing the burden on residents in the midst of the floods that have hit more than two weeks ago.

According to him, the flooding that occurred on the coast of the Kapuas river submerged residents' houses, resulting in paralyzed community activities, especially in meeting their daily needs.

"I, along with the ranks and the Head of Persit Kodim Putussibau, gave, even if it was not much, we hope it can be useful for residents affected by the flood," he said.


Jemi emphasized that the TNI will always be ready to help in any community difficulties, especially when the flood disaster strikes.

"Hopefully the residents affected by the flood will be given strength and patience, we pray that the flood will recede soon," said Jemi, who at that time went directly to meet the flood-affected residents.

Based on provisional data from the Kapuas Hulu Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Monday, November 15, the flooding that occurred on the coast of the Kapuas River had inundated 5,514 residential areas with 12,129 families or 38,164 residents affected by the flood as well as 215 public facilities which were also flooded, spread over 12 the district of Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan.