Prevent Corruptors Happy Because Law Enforcement Officials Are In Conflict, KPK Reminds The Importance Of Coordination
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron reminded the importance of coordination between law enforcement officers to prevent conflicts or fight each other in efforts to handle cases.
This was conveyed by Ghufron when he was present to open the training with APH and APIP in East Java (East Java). The training, which was held from 15-17 November 2021 at Vasa Hotel Surabaya, aims to improve APH's ability to handle corruption.
"Why do we have to coordinate? So that the past incident does not repeat itself. In the end, conflicts occur or fight over cases. Who likes it? The corruptors," said Ghufron in a written statement quoted on Tuesday, November 16.
It's just that coordination can't just be done. According to Ghufron, there are three things that must be fulfilled, namely a vision, a dream, and the same goal, namely upholding the law for the people of Indonesia.
"Like a football team, there are strikers, goalkeepers, etc. You can't all appear in front. Each has a role," he said.
In addition, Ghufron also reminded that every law enforcement officer should act by complementing each other and covering each other's weaknesses. Moreover, in eradicating corruption, all parties have one common enemy, namely the corrupt.
"Our enemy is the corruptor. Don't let the corruptors say they have 'insiders'. This country can be destroyed," he said.
For information, this training was attended by investigators at the East Java Regional Police (Polda), prosecutors at the East Java High Prosecutor's Office, Auditors at BPK RI Representatives of East Java Province, and Auditors at BPKP Representatives of East Java Province with a total number of 50 participants.
There are also materials that will be given in the training, namely the material for the Procurement of Government Goods and Services in an emergency, Money Laundering (TPPU), Methods and Calculation of State Financial Losses (PKN).