Good News, Indonesian Green Coffee Beans Dominate Singapore Market

JAKARTA - Indonesian green coffee beans still dominate the Singapore market, and the export of this commodity continues to increase every year, according to the records of the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore.

"We should be proud that Indonesia is one of the largest coffee exporting countries in the world. In fact, as one of Singapore's main trading partners, Indonesia ranks first as an exporter of green coffee beans to Singapore," said the Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore Suryo Pratomo in a statement, reported by Antara, Friday, November 12.

According to the Ambassador, the trend of increasing exports to Singapore shows that Indonesian exporters still have many opportunities to enter the Singaporean coffee market.

Most of the Indonesian coffee bean production that is in demand is Robusta coffee beans. However, Indonesia is also known for its specialty coffees, such as Luwak coffee, Mandailing coffee, Aceh coffee, and Toraja coffee.

The Indonesian Embassy said that to support coffee production, the Indonesian government strongly supports Indonesian farmers together and will expand coffee plantations in the country, while rejuvenating old plantations through an intensification program.

The Indonesian government wants to take advantage of increasing global and domestic demand, while increasing the quantity and quality of coffee beans by using and developing technological innovations.

The Trade Attache of the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore in collaboration with Bank Indonesia Singapore Representative held a hybrid seminar entitled "Traceability of Indonesia Coffee by Blockchain-based System" which was attended by potential partners from the coffee industry and business people in Singapore in a tasting session.

This year, Indonesia became a partner country and opened the Indonesia Pavilion in the prestigious food industry exhibition, Café Asia, in November 2021.

The big theme that will be carried by the Indonesian Pavilion is "Spice up The World: The Purity of Indonesian Spices", in line with the national theme of promoting Indonesia's trade, which encourages the introduction of Indonesian spice products, including coffee and tea, to foreign countries, as well as promoting the superiority of raw materials and ingredients. Indonesian product processing.

In the webinar which was attended by nearly 100 participants, there was also a promotion of food and beverage products from 20 SMEs assisted by Bank Indonesia and the Ministry of Trade from various provinces by the founder of Tanivest Pte Ltd Jeffry A Kusumohadi.

All promotions are carried out directly by Tanives by showing samples of each of these SME products.