80-Year-Old Man Who Disappeared In Konawe Forest Has Not Been Found, Search Radius 1.5 Km

JAKARTA - The Kendari National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) continues to search for an elderly man named Lakuo (80) who was reported missing since last Tuesday, November 9 in the forest area of Besulutu Village, Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra).

Head of the Kendari Basarnas Aris Sofingi in a written statement in Kendari Friday, said that the search operation on the second day of the victim involved elements of the local TNI-Polri coalition, including the community and the victim's family.

"The joint SAR team resumed search operations on the second day of victims who were reported missing in the forest of Besulutu Village," he said, Friday, November 12, quoted from Antara.

The joint Basarnas carried out SAR operations by dividing into three teams to conduct a search at the last location where the victim was reported.

Team 1 combed to the west from the victim's last position with a radius of 1 km. Team 2 searched to the south with a radius of 1 km, and team 3 searched for a small river flow around the position of the last victim with a radius of 1.5 km.

The Kendari Basarnas previously received a report on the incident on Thursday (11/11) from the victim's son, Sadli. Based on the report, the Kendari Search and Rescue Office (KPP) rescue team was dispatched to the location with other safety support equipment to provide SAR assistance.

It was explained, on Tuesday 9 November at 13.00 p.m. local time, the victim left his house with the aim of checking his sago plants and the habit of the victim returning from the forest at 17.30 p.m.

"The search has been carried out by the victim's family and local residents, but until this information we received no results, so we headed to LKK to provide SAR assistance," said Aris.