Is Your Phone Battery Running Out Fast? Do This Method So That It Can Be Used Longer

YOGYAKARTA - The cell phone battery is the most important element to operate a cellphone. The reason is, the battery is the main energy source in the cellphone which functions to operate the software in it.

Therefore, it will be very annoying if your phone battery runs out quickly. In fact, you have to charge it regularly so that it can be used every time.

One of the causes of your phone's battery could be that too many apps are being used on your phone. Therefore, users can uninstall applications that are not very important on your device.

In addition to reducing the applications installed on the device, users can also do a number of other ways. Below, the VOI team has summarized some of the ways that can be used to make your phone battery last longer.

Enable Battery Settings

The first and easiest way to make the phone battery last longer when used is to activate the battery management feature on your cellphone.

With this feature, users can find out the amount of power used. You can also sort the types of notifications that are important so they don't drain power.

Reduce Apps

As explained earlier, the number of applications installed on your phone can affect the power consumption used. Therefore, reducing the unused applications can help to save the battery life of the phone.

Customize Display Settings

The next way to make your phone battery last longer is to adjust the display on your phone. You can adjust the lighting used by your smartphone screen.

On certain types of mobile phones, there is a feature that can adjust the lighting automatically according to the needs of the surrounding location. If you are in a bright location and need more brightness, the smartphone will automatically increase the lighting on the phone screen.

Meanwhile, if you are in a high-level location, then the phone will automatically reduce the screen brightness which will automatically reduce the use of your battery power.

Disable GPS, WiFi, and Bluetooth

Features such as GPS, WiFi, and Bluetooth can be the cause of your battery draining quickly. Therefore, users can disable it when not in use.

However, the GPS feature is usually activated automatically when users open online applications such as e-commerce, or online motorcycle taxi services that require the user's location.

It also makes users often forget to turn it off. Therefore, you should frequently check whether the GPS on your phone is active or not.

Enable Power Saving Mode

The last and easiest way is to activate the Power Saving Mode feature. With this feature, the phone will automatically turn off the power usage of applications that are not being used by your phone.

To activate it, users can enter the "Settings" menu, then select the "Battery" icon and click the "Power Saving Mode" menu.

Those were 5 ways you can do to make your phone battery last longer so that it can be used for longer.