Telegram Group Members Leave? Send Good Bye Message This Way

YOGYAKARTA - The Telegram instant messaging application has a variety of interesting features that you must try, one of which is the "Good Bye" message or goodbye to outgoing chat group members.

To do so, users can use the Rose bot, which you can use on Telegram. The feature allows users to send automatic messages to members of a Telegram chat group who leave suddenly.

You can also specify the message to be delivered, such as goodbye, or other messages that you can set automatically in the Telegram application.

If you are interested in using this feature, the VOI team has compiled the steps you can take to use the Rose bot feature in the Telegram application on your device.

How to Activate the Rose Bot Feature on Telegram

To enable the Rose bot feature in the Telegram application, the first step the user must take is to open the Telegram application on your device.

Next, the user can enter any of the chat groups that you want to install the Rose bot on. For the record, to activate the Rose bot, you must first be registered as a group admin.

After finding the Telegram chat group page you want, the user can click on the group name. Next, a number of menus will appear, select the "Edit" icon to enter the Telegram chat group settings menu.

Next, select the "Admin" menu, to create a Rose bot. Click the "Add Admin" icon on the available menu to add the Rose bot as an admin of the Telegram chat group.

Click the search field in the menu, then type "Rose" to search for the Rose bot. After it appears, users can click on the bot to continue the next process.

The user will enter the "Admin Rights" page, then press the check icon to make the Rose bot one of the admins in the Telegram chat group, and the Rose bot will become an admin in the group.

After that, you can return to the chat page in the group, and type the command "Good-Bye Yes" then click the "Send" icon, to send a goodbye message to the chat group members who have left.

If you want to send a message with another sentence, you can add a message of your choice to members who have left the group. To do this, type the command "/set goodbye [message you want to convey]. Then click "Send".

Furthermore, the message will automatically be sent by the Rose bot every time a group member leaves. If you want to change the message, the user can perform the steps as above.

That's how to activate the Rose bot feature, to create a farewell message or other message that you can convey to outgoing members of the Telegram chat group.