Police Investigate Marijuana Fields In Jayawijaya Papua

WAMENA - Police personnel from Jayawijaya, Papua, are still pursuing a suspected marijuana seller to a young man, to uncover the existence of a marijuana field that is suspected to be located between the Jayawijaya Regency-Mamberamo Tengah Regency border.

Jayawijaya Police Chief, AKBP Muh Safei, said that from the development of one suspect who had been arrested, the green cannabis plant was obtained from unscrupulous Wollo District residents who are still being sought.

"While we are still searching for the suspect, because when we went to the village, he was not there, only his parents. We also did a search around the location, but there were none", he said, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, November 10.

The police had explored several points in the Wollo District, which is directly adjacent to the Central Mamberamo District, but no marijuana was found.

"We went up to a location where marijuana fields were also found, we did orientation there but the results were nil", continued AKBP Muh Safei.

The police suspect that the marijuana that was secured from the hands of users and dealers at the Potikelek Market a few days ago was planted in Jayawijaya because the plant was still green and fresh when it was secured by the police.

"Here we have found land in the Kurulu District, Wollo District, meaning that our people here have planted, in addition to receiving goods sent from Jayapura", said the Police Chief.

In the last three years, the Jayawijaya police recorded as many as 143 narcotics cases handled.

"This 143 cases means that the number is high in Jayawijaya. One week at the end of this year there were three disclosures", said KBP Muh Safei.